Thursday 25 February 2010

RSA SecurID Monthly Successful Authentication Script

Here's another fun SecurID Script

This is one that is run directly on your ACE Server. It has two parts, one is a TCL script that directly accesses the API on the box. The contents of that TCL script look like this:

puts [Sd_ApiInit "" "" 1]
# SQL using Dynamic Select to print out the last login dates for all tokens.
set line 0
set startdate 0
set enddate 0

set startdate [lindex $argv 0]
set enddate [lindex $argv 1]

puts $startdate
puts $enddate

set line [Sd_DynamicSelect auths.csv 0 0 0 0 "" "" "SELECT chUserName,chLogin,dtGMTDate,tGMTTOD,chClientName FROM SDLogEntry WHERE dtGMTDate >=$startdate AND dtGMTDate <=$enddate AND iMessageNum=1011 ORDER by dtGMTDate,chClientName,chLogin" ]
puts $line
puts "Report Complete"


The second part is another VBS script. This one takes some arguments. It can either take a start date and end date as arguments, or you can pass it 'auto' as a sole parameter and it will use the system date on the box to determine the current month, and get last month's data. The VBS script then executes the TCL script, and generates an output on all the successful authentications for the month. Then using very similar tricks to the previous post, this script parses that data and XREFs it with our Active Directory structure. It compresses the data down so what we have is a report on successful authentications by Day, by Agent Host, and finally by User, with a number of successful auths for each. So for example, if during the course of a day I log in via Citrix 3 times, and by vpn twice. There would be two records for my username on that day. 

Once it has compiled that report, it then assembles it into a nice little Pivot chart for easy manipulation of the data. This allows you to filter the data based on a number of factors such as location or department. Finally, it emails the report off and cleans up after itself, deleting all the interim reports it generated. The VBS script looks like this:

On Error Resume Next

If Wscript.Arguments.Item(0) = "auto" Then

intLastMonth = (month(Date) -1)
strMonth = CStr(intLastMonth)
if Len(strMonth) =1 Then
strMonth= "0" & strMonth
end if
If strMonth = "01" or strMonth = "03" or strMonth = "05" or strMonth = "07" or strMonth = "08" or strMonth = "10" or strMonth = "12" Then
strEndMonth = "31"
elseif strMonth = "02" Then
  strEndMonth = "28"
strEndMonth = "30"
end if
strYear = CStr(Year(Date))
startdate = strMonth & ".01." & strYear
enddate = strMonth & "." & strEndMonth & "." & strYear
startdate = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
enddate = Wscript.Arguments.Item(1)
end if

set objShell = wscript.createObject("")
iReturn = objShell.Run("D:\Ace\utils\tcl\BIN\tcl-sd month_auths.tcl " & startdate & " " & enddate)

Wscript.sleep 10000

Set objFS =CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objReportIn = objFS.OpenTextfile("auths.csv")
set objReportOut = objFS.OpenTextfile("AUTH_Report.csv",2, TRUE)

Wscript.Echo "Parsing Report..."

arrayLine = split(objReportIn.Readline, ",")
user1 = arrayLine(1)
name = arrayLine(0)
adate = arrayLine(2)
agent = arrayLine(4)
userCount = 1


do until objReportIn.AtEndOfStream
Set objUsers = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
arrayLine = split(objReportIn.Readline, ",")
If arrayLine(1) <> user1 then
user1= replace(user1,Chr(34),"")
name = replace(name,Chr(34),"")
user1 = replace(user1,","," ")
name= replace(name,","," ")
If objUsers.Exists(user1)=False then
objUsers.Add user1, Query(user1)
end if
if objUsers(user1).Exists("Abort") then
country = objUsers.Item(user1).Item("Country")
office = objUsers.Item(user1).Item("Office")
company = objUsers.Item(user1).Item("Company")
department = objUsers.Item(user1).Item("Department")
isIT = objUsers.Item(user1).Item("IsIT")
end if
objReportOut.WriteLine(adate & "," & user1 & "," & name & "," & userCount & "," & agent & "," & country & "," & office & "," & company & "," & department & "," & isIT)
user1 = arrayLine(1)
name = arrayLine(0)
adate = arrayLine(2)
agent = arrayLine(4)
userCount = 1
userCount = userCount +1
end if


if email=true then
end if
Set objReport1 = objFS.GetFile("D:\Ace\utils\tcl\BIN\Auths\auths.csv")
Set objReport2 = objFS.GetFile("D:\Ace\utils\tcl\BIN\Auths\Auth_Report.csv")
Set objFinal= objFS.GetFile("D:\Ace\utils\tcl\BIN\Auths\RSA_Auth_Report.xls")
Wscript.Echo "Done"

Function CreatePivot
Wscript.echo "creating pivottable"
Set objXRep=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'objXRep.visible=true "D:\Ace\utils\tcl\BIN\Auths\AUTH_Report.csv" , true , true
Set mySheet = objXRep.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)

Dim topBot 
'Wscript.echo topBot(1)
Set myWorkbook=mySheet.Parent 
Set myCache=myWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(1,"'" & mySheet.Name & "'!A1:" & topBot(1))
Set myTable=myCache.CreatePivotTable("", newName,TRUE, -1)

Set pivotSheet = myTable.Parent

 With myTable.PivotFields("Is_IT")
.Orientation = 3
 End With
With myTable.PivotFields("Country")
.Orientation = 3
End With
With myTable.PivotFields("Office")
.Orientation = 3
End With 
With myTable.PivotFields("Department")
.Orientation = 3
End With
With myTable.PivotFields("Company")
.Orientation = 3
End With

With myTable.PivotFields("Date")
.Orientation = 1
.Position = 1
End With
With myTable.PivotFields("Agent_Host")
.Orientation = 2
.Position = 1
End With

myTable.AddDataField myTable.PivotFields("Num_Auths"), "Successful Authentications", -4157
With myTable
.ColumnGrand = TRUE
.RowGrand = TRUE
End With
Dim col,cols
cols = Split(topBot(1),"$")
row = cols(2)
With pivotSheet.Range("B8:" & col & row)
.Interior.ColorIndex = 50
With .Borders(7)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Borders(8)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Borders(9)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Borders(10)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With .Borders(11)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
End With
With pivotSheet.Range("B8:" & col & "8")
.HorizontalAlignment = 1
.VerticalAlignment = -4107
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 45
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = -5002
.MergeCells = False
.Font.Bold = TRUE
.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
' Fit here - before putting in borders
pivotSheet.Columns("A:" & col).AutoFit
End With
With pivotSheet.Range("A9:A" & (row-1))
.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
End With
With pivotSheet.Range( col & row & ":" & col & row)
.Font.Bold = TRUE
End With
With pivotSheet.Range("A9:A" & row)
.Font.Bold = TRUE
End With
With pivotSheet.Range("A" & row & ":" & col & row)
.Interior.ColorIndex = 44
End With
With pivotSheet.Range(col & "9:" & col & row)
.Interior.ColorIndex = 44
End With
Wscript.echo "Saving..."
objXRep.DisplayAlerts = False
objXRep.Workbooks(1).SaveAs "D:\Ace\utils\tcl\BIN\Auths\RSA_Auth_Report.xls", -4143
set mySheet = nothing
Set objXRep= Nothing

End Function

Function SendReport

strFrom =
strTo =
strSub = Date & " - " & ": Monthly Authentication Report"
strSMTP =
strBody = "Attached is the Monthly RSA SecurID Authentication Report."
strAttachment = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "RSA_Auth_Report.xls")
set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objEmail.From = strFrom
objEmail.To = strTo
objEmail.Subject = strSub
objEmail.Textbody = strBody
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTP
Set ObjFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
'objFS.Deletefile "auths.csv"
'objFS.Deletefile "Auth_Report.csv"

End function

Function Query (strUser)

Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
    Connstring = "Provider=ADsDSOObject"
    strSQL = "SELECT distinguishedName,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Company,Department,extensionAttribute7 FROM 'LDAP://dc=int,dc=dir,dc=willis,dc=com' WHERE objectCategory='user' AND sAMAccountName='" & strUser & "'"
    rs.Open strSQL, Connstring
Set objUser = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
if not rs.eof and not rs.bof Then 
objUser.Add "Login" , strUser
strDN= rs("distinguishedName")
set regExDN = New RegExp
regExDN.Pattern = "OU=iTrash"
regExDN.Global = True
regExDN.IgnoreCase = True

If regExDN.Test(strDN)=TRUE then
CountryOU= "iTrash"
regExDN.Pattern = "OU=\w+,OU=iResources"
Set OUMatch= regExDN.Execute(strDN)
strOU = OUMatch.Item(0).Value
regExDN.Pattern = ",OU=iResources"
strOU = RegExDN.Replace(strOU,"")
regExDN.Pattern = "OU="
strOU = RegExDN.Replace(strOU,"")
CountryOU= strOU
end if
company = rs("Company").Value
department = rs("Department").Value
office =  rs("physicalDeliveryOfficeName").Value
office = replace(office,","," ")
company = replace(company,","," ")
department = replace(department,","," ")
objUser.Add "Country" , CountryOU
objUser.Add "Office" , office
objUser.Add "Company", company
objUser.Add "Department", department
If (rs("extensionAttribute7")="Information Technology") then
objUser.Add "IsIT", "TRUE"
objUser.Add "IsIT", "FALSE"
end if
Set Query= objUser
Wscript.echo "Username " & strUser & " not found"
objUser.Add "Abort", "Username not found"
Set Query= objUser
End if
  End Function

Again, there are some highly specific things built in here, but you could easily change these to suit your needs. Also, it is heavily dependent on Excel to work. I have this setup on our primary ACE server as a monthly job that runs so I can get usage data at the end of each month.

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